For those engaged in treatment

The preparation has been charged with frequencies which affect both the therapist and the patient.
For those engaged in therapy:
A connection to making you a conduit for the transfer of treatment | Creativity in therapy | Confidence in successful treatment | Clearing the barriers to allow a “clean” connection (feelings, thoughts, fears, prejudices about the patient / about the disease / about the chances of recovery) | Balance between the right and left hemispheres of the brain | telepathy | intuition | The effect of the power of thought on physical matter | Identifying the “Answers”
For the Patient:
Receptivity to connecting with the therapist | Receptivity to receiving treatment | the ability to sense the most beneficial results of the treatment | sanction of the release of the disease

The preparation has been loaded with frequencies similar to the frequencies given during treatment in the clinic.

The spray is composed of: alcohol, magnesium and water.
The spray containing at least 130 applications

The remedy is based on knowledge from the field of frequency medicine, it is not a recognized drug and does not replace conventional medical treatment.



Instructions for use: One spray on the back of the neck, before each treatment

For those engaged in treatment


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